The Lifters Experiments
By Jean-Louis Naudin
created on October 10th, 2001 - JLN Labs - Last update May 31, 2002
All informations in this page are published free and are intended for private/educational purposes and not for commercial applications
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On June 2001, Transdimensional Technologies has presented the Lifter1 and Lifter2 devices. These devices are able to lift their own weight and they are a "modern version" of the Townsend Brown Electrokinetic Apparatus. The Lifters are using the Biefeld-Brown Effect to generate the main thrust to self levitate. A Basic Lifter cell is composed of three Townsend Brown asymmetrical capacitors joined so as to form a triangle assembly. Today, I have build the Lifter v3.0, it uses nine asymmetrical T.T. Brown capacitors joined ( called cells ) so as to form a triangle assembly and It is 2.4 time heavier than the Lifter2 and 7 time heavier than the Lifter1. The Lifter V4.0 is a bigger version of the Lifter v3.0 and uses 36 asymmetrical T.T. Brown capacitors joined ( called cells ) so as to form a hexagonal assembly and it is 2 time heavier than the Lifter v3.0.

Read the NASA Patent description and see the FULL NASA PATENT US 6,317,310 ( granted November 13, 2001 )
NASA MFS 31419_1 - Apparatus & Method for Generating Thrust Using a Two Dimensional, Asymmetrical Capacitor; - see the photo of the apparatus tested in vacuum by Transdimensional Technologies

The NASA PATENT: US2002012221 granted on January 31, 2002

Apparatus for generating thrust using a two dimensional, asymmetrical capacitor module
Patent Number: US2002012221
Publication date:   2002-01-31
Inventor(s):    CAMPBELL JONATHAN W (US)
Applicant(s):  US OF AMERICA NASA (US)

Abstract : An asymmetrical capacitor module for generating thrust includes two conductive elements of similar but different geometries separated by a dielectric member. Improved embodiments provided in the construction of conductive elements of smaller axial extent include those where the element is formed by an annular wire or a dielectric supported ring. Other embodiments concern the dielectric member and involve changes in the extent and shape thereof. 

At page 2 chapter [0034] <<Referring to the Fig 1.... a cylinder 12 made of copper or another highly conductive material. >>
page 3 chapter [0037] : << In this embodiment disk 14 is replaced by a ring or annulus preferably in form of a fine wire 24 made of copper or another highly conductive material. >>

See the tests of the NASA Orbital Maneuvering Propellantless Truster v1.0

The lifters developed by TDT are NOT the same technologies as portrayed by the NASA patents.

The TDT lifters are based on technologies derived from laser weapon systems in the early 1970's, not NASA. The TDT lifters are based upon leaky dielectrics and the resulting momentum transfer from the vector potential of the conduction electrons in the skirt assembly ( as discussed in Goldstein ). The specific lifter shape is directly derived from the preionizer arrays of the early Excimer laser weapon class systems, NOT any type of work with NASA! There was no NASA involvement!

Jeff Cameron
Transdimensional Technologies ( March 27, 2002 )

Even if, in the worst case, a fluid medium is required (EHD) for the Lifter hovering, this technology is an excellent starting point for building highly manoeuvrable VTOL crafts which will flight silently without moving parts... Jean-Louis Naudin - April 30, 2002

Documents and references :

  • - The Transdimensional Technologies web site
    Huntsville firm developing new propulsion technology ( Article on the Birmingham Business Journal - July 19, 2001 )
    Propulsion system lifts city company ( Article on the Huntsville Times - July 6, 2001 )
    Read the NASA Patent description and see the FULL NASA PATENT US 6,317,310 ( granted November 13, 2001 )
    NASA MFS 31419_1 - Apparatus & Method for Generating Thrust Using a Two Dimensional, Asymmetrical Capacitor;
    Link to the
    Gravitec, inc web site.
    Electrokinetic Propulsion: The Ionic Wind Argument by William B. Stein - Purdue University - Energy Conversion Lab

  • The Lifters in the TOP SECRET magazine - N�2 - April 24, 2002

  • Lifters in the AIR & COSMOS magazine - N�1837 - April 5, 2002

  • Lifters in the "Electric Spacecraft Journal" Issue 33 - January 16, 2002

  • Lifters in the "New Energy Technologies" from Faraday Lab Issue #3 - Nov,Dec 2001

  • Books :
    - "Electrogravitics Systems" ( Report on a new propulsion methodology) by Thomas Valone - ISBN 0-9641070-0-7
    - " Subquantum Kinetics " by Paul A. LaViolette - ISBN 0-9642025-0-6
    - " L'Effet Biefeld-Brown - Histoire secr�te de l'antigravit� - Vol 1 "by Alexandre Szames - ISBN 2-91377-01-7

  • Links :
    The Tim Ventura's "American Antigravity" web site
    E-Field gradient around the NASA's Two dimensional asymmetrical capacitor module by Vencislav Bujic
    Electrokinetics brown by Paul E. Potter
    - The Thomas Townsend Brown dedicated web site
    The T-capacitor by Alexander V. Frolov
    Potential in Power Generation by Alexander V. Frolov
    - The EHD Flying Saucer v1.0 experiment by JL Naudin
    - Scientists Detect Clue to Material's Unusual Electrical Properties by the Brookhaven National Laboratory
    "Electrostatic levitation of a surrounded mass by asymmetric electrodes, a minimum effort proof" by Giorgio Fontana - Dep. of Materials Engineering of Trento - Italy
    T. Townsend Brown and A.H Bahnson patents :
    GB Patent N�300311 filed on Nov 15, 1928 "A method of and an apparatus or machine for producing force or motion" from T.Townsend Brown
    US Patent N�2949550 filed on Aug 16, 1960 "Elektrokinetic Apparatus" from Thomas Townsend Brown
    US Patent N�2958790 filed on Nov 1, 1960 "Electrical thrust producing device" from A.H. Bahnson JR
    US Patent N�3018394 filed on Jan 23, 1962 "Elektrokinetic Transducer" from Thomas Townsend Brown
    US Patent N�3187206 filed on Jun 1, 1965 "Elektrokinetic Apparatus" from Thomas Townsend Brown
    US Patent N�3227901 filed on Jan 4, 1966 "Electrical thrust producing device" from A.H. Bahnson JR

  • PCT Application for WO0209259 filed on July 11,2001 "Electrodynamic Field Generator " from Mark Tomion
    StarDrive Engineering : The Electrodynamic Field Generator ( Archer Enterprises )

  • Ether Propulsion System - Canadian Patent 1,273,085 from Bahram Katiriai, Issued Aug 21, 1990
    US2001032905A1 "Method and apparatus for converting electrostatic potential energy" from Peter Grandics - Oct 25, 2001

  • Electro-Aerodynamics patents :
    The Seversky's Ionocraft patent : US3130945 by Alexander De Seversky - April 28, 1964
    The Hagen's Flying apparatus patent :
    US3120363 by Hagen Glenn - Feb 4, 1964
    The Gradecak's Electric Aerospace propulsion system patent :
    US3120363 by Vjekoslav Gradecak - Apr 13, 1965
    The Okress' Quasi-corona Aerodynamic vehicle patent :
    US3464207 by Ernest Okress - Sep 2, 1969

  • Email : [email protected]

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