Some research papers

by Charles Weibel

These first few documents are dvi files. Sorry!

  • Higher wild kernels and divisibility in the K-theory of number fields   (22pp. dvi file, 2004 preprint)
  • Transfer Functors on k-Algebras   (26pp. dvi file, 2003 preprint)
  • Algebraic K-theory of rings of integers in local and global fields   (42pp. dvi file, 2004 preprint).
        (A pdf version of this survey paper is also available.)

  • A Road Map of Motivic Homotopy and Homology Theory   pp. 385-392 in
    New Contexts for Stable Homotopy Theory, NATO ASI Series II, no.131, Kluwer Press, 2004.
  • Algebraic and Real K-theory of Real Varieties   (by Max Karoubi and Charles Weibel), Topology 42 (2003), 715-742
  • Homotopy Ends and Thomason model categories, Selecta Math 7 (2001), 533-564.
  • Etale Chern classes at the prime 2, pp.249-286 in
    Algebraic K-theory and Algebraic Topology, NATO ASI Series C, no. 407, Kluwer Press, 1993.
  • Module structures on the Hochschild and cyclic homology of graded rings (by Barry Dayton and Charles Weibel), pp.63-90 in Algebraic K-theory and algebraic topology, NATO ASI Series C, no.407, Kluwer Press, 1993.
  • Invariants of Real Curves (by Claudio Pedrini and Charles Weibel)
    Rend. Sem Mat. Univ. Politec Torino 49 (1991), no. 2, 139-173.

    Here are some papers of mine (written after 1994) which are archived with the K-theory preprint server (dvi and ps format):

  • Cyclic homology for schemes, Proc. AMS 124 (1996)
  • The Hodge Filtration and Cyclic Homology, K-theory 12 (1997)
  • Roitman's theorem for singular complex projective surfaces (by L. Barbieri-Viale, C. Pedrini, and C. Weibel), Duke MJ 84 (1996)
  • The 2-torsion in the K-theory of the Integers, CR Acad.Sci. Paris 324 (1997)
  • Two-primary algebraic K-theory of rings of integers in number fields (by John Rognes and Chuck Weibel), J. AMS 13 (2000)
  • Etale descent for two-primary algebraic K-theory of totally imaginary number fields (by Rognes and Weibel), K-theory 16 (1999)
  • Products in Higher Chow groups and Motivic Cohomology, Proc. Symp. Pure Math (1999)
  • Voevodsky's Seattle Lectures K-theory and Motivic Cohomology, Proc. Symp. Pure Math (1999)
  • The negative K-theory of normal surfaces, Duke MJ 108 (2001)
  • The higher K-theory of a complex surface (by Claudio Pedrini and Charles A. Weibel), Compositio Math 129 (2001)
  • The higher K-theory of complex varieties (by Claudio Pedrini and Charles Weibel), K-theory 21 (2001)
  • The higher K-theory of real curves (by Claudio Pedrini and Charles Weibel), K-theory 27 (2002)
  • Algebraic and Real K-theory of Real Varieties (by Max Karoubi and Charles Weibel), Topology 42 (2003)

    Here are some papers of mine (written after 1994) which are archived with the LANL XXX Mathematics Archive (dvi, ps and pdf format):

  • Roitman's theorem for singular complex projective surfaces (by L. Barbieri-Viale, C. Pedrini and C. Weibel), Duke MJ 84 (1996)
  • The Artinian Berger Conjecture (by G. Cortinas, S. Geller and C. Weibel), Math. Zeit. 228 (1998)
  • Cotensor products of modules (by L. Abrams and C. Weibel), Trans. AMS 354 (2002)
  • Homotopy Ends and Thomason model categories, Selecta Math 7 (2001)

    Here is a paper archived with the Hopf Topology Archive (dvi, ps and pdf format):

  • Homotopy Ends and Thomason model categories, Selecta Math 7 (2001)

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    Charles Weibel / weibel @ / July 1, 2003